Vim here I go

One perk/misfortune of studying computer science is that you do a lot of your work from your laptop. Some years ago, before the advent of laptops, it was weird. Nowadays, everyone has a lousy and helly laptop, just sitting there, for them to be on fb while trying to be productive.

I remember when I used to study slides on my laptop. I use evince for viewing pdfs, because is really good (Last year with my colleages at Münster Uni we discovered that it is the best crystalline pdf renderer available, better than Adobe Reader!). The thing is that reading slides can be tiresome, and suddenly I discovered that pressing “j” and “k” had the same function as “down” and “up”. I knew about Vim, but the “hjkl” and modal way had always a too steep learning curve for me.

As time went by, I started to be eager for vim way. The other day I came across vimium, a chromium extension that adds a vim layer (and it’s amazing, try it!).

I feel lobotovimecized. I feel the need for it. I’m going to start using Vim, and also the “vintage” plugin of SublimeText2.

Vim here I go!

Here are some Vim resources:

Víctor Cuadrado Juan

I'm Víctor Cuadrado Juan, a developer and FOSS enthusiast, in love with Linux. Currently living in Nürnberg, Germany. Feel free to waste your precious time around here, or to contact me.