
A XeLaTeX CV class with flexible layout


Based on the aesthetics of Adrien Friggeri CV found at

Although the aesthetics are quite similar, it is done in a very different way:

  • no usage of TikZ package for placing text. That doesn’t allow correct serialization of the text.
  • usage of Flowfram package to set the layout of the CV. This allows for having a very flexible layout with multiple frames.

The most relevant changes from his work are:

  • CV now is completely serializable.
  • the text flow follows the given frames, and spans to additional pages if necessary.
  • added automatic \pdfcreationdate population. It works in xelatex or pdflatex.


  • Flexible layout.
  • Correct serialization of text, thanks to Flowfram.
  • Automatic flow of text, thanks to Flowfram. Text flow follows the given frames, and spans to additional pages if necessary.
  • XeLaTeX usage.
  • Automatic \pdfcreationdate population in XeLaTeX (there is no way to get current modification date inside XeLaTeX, this fixes it).
  • Correct A4paper layout.
  • Custom \section and \subsection. new \entrylistdated and \entrylist environments.


Technologies used

LaTeX, XeLaTeX


Copyright(C) 2013 Víctor Cuadrado Juan

In addition of the LaTeX Project Public License, this work CANNOT be used for a commercial use.

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.

This work consists of the files viccuad-cv.cls and creationdate.lua.